My grandmother's recipe. It's the best!
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons (rounded) cocoa
pinch of salt
2 cups whole milk
2 egg yolks
Mix the dry ingredients together in a medium saucepan. Stir until well combined.Then add 1/2 of the milk and egg yolks and stir until mixture becomes a smooth thick paste...add remaining milk and mix well. Then over medium to medium low heat, stirconstantly until mixture begins to bubble and thicken. Continue cooking and stirring untilconsistency is a thick custard (1-3 min.). Remove from heat. Cool. Stir occassionally and pour into a baked pie crust (I use Betty Crocker's Pie Crust mix). Refrigerate until cool. Before serving, top the pie with whipped and sweetened heavy cream. Serve with a smile!
Roxanne, somehow several months ago I came across your daughter, Beths, blog....and I have read yours as well...in light of not being a stalker....lol, I figured I better introduce myself! I am the wife of a high school principal in Michigan...with 3 boys, we are elbow deep into anything and everything...I love your blog, your talent, and your love for your family! keep inspiring! Jill